Defining the evolution of social media with Influencer Marketing and creating brand collaborations, influencer partnerships and endorsements, leveraging your audiences interests and engagement.

“The ability to be a successful influencer is not always an easy task to achieve. To expand your content and ideas to the masses effectively, you must go above and beyond ordinary people’s expectations. Creating original content, not just

regurgitate the latest trends or do or say whatever everyone else is on the Internet. If you want to become an influencer, it’s important that you find a subject or niche you’re passionate about. This will make it easier for you to create original content.”

~Ke Drummerboy~

Influencer Spook Locc

Influencers have an established, real-life connection with their followers and provide a more engaging form of advertising for a brand. Influencers can reach people in new ways compared to traditional forms of advertising, such as television, radio, and billboards.

omni-channel marketing

Our omni-channel marketing strategies enhance a brand’s presence and connects with their audience across various platforms. By leveraging a combination of online and offline channels, including social media, email marketing, events, and traditional advertising, ensures a cohesive brand.

Being represented by a talent manager provides high credibility with brands. Many brands choose to work with a talent manager because they have a better idea of who the brands target markets are and lead to higher engagement rates due to accurately matched interests.

“Content creation is a key part of my influencer marketing strategy. The posts , reels and stories I create showcase my personality and entertain my followers. Videos and photos are the most

common types of content I create on my social media channels. Other types of content I like to incorporate in my influencer strategy are blog posts.”

~Sierra Sprague~