Influencer Marketing Glossary Part 7

SAG [Screen Actors Guild]

If you’re part of the Screen Actors Guild, anyone who works with you will be obliged to pay additional fees to SAG-AFTRA. That mainly applies to big brands.

SOW [Statement of Work]

Statements of work, otherwise known as deliverables, clarify a brand’s expectations for brand collaborations with influencers.

Syndication/Social Amplification

Syndication refers to an influencer posting their content beyond its original home platform. For instance, if you post a video to YouTube and then repost it on your blog and other social media platforms, you’re engaging in social amplification.


The term is the period an influencer and brand agree to collaborate.

UGC [User Generated Content]

UGC is content from an influencer’s audience, not the influencer themselves. Influencers can seek it out by prompting their audience to create content and then post or send it somewhere specific.

Usage Rights

These define how a brand may use your content elsewhere.